The resources and references below have been suggested by the partner organisations. We would always suggest that when you use a resource always find out and tell pupils who has paid for its production. Increasingly the production of educational resources is funded by private companies, sometimes ones with a vested interest in the topic dealt with. For example there are many resources on recycling, mostly produced or paid for by the packaging, materials and waste disposal industries. Very few of them give much or any attention to the most important issue - we have to consume less. Recycling is not a magic solution that makes it acceptable to use materials as much as we like. Recycling has an impact on the environment, so it is always better not to buy unnecessary goods in the first place.

1 Climate Change Inter-governmental Panel on climate change. The Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution produced a report in 2000, ‘Energy the Changing Climate’. Go to ‘Reports’, click on ‘twenty two reports’, go down to the twenty second, click for further details.
Global Warming Debate - one of the ‘Issues’ series which all contain short, illustrated articles by a number of different organisations, giving a broad perspective. Photocopiable. £6.95 available from CAT

2 The Footprint

‘ Sharing Nature's Interest’ - a wonderfully clear analysis of the ecological footprint and what it means for us, and useful for teachers and students.

3 Background information for teachers and students

Energy Efficient Advice Centres. For your nearest EEAC consult your local telephone directory or telephone Freefone 0800-512012

Development Education Centres. There are a number of these in different parts of the UK, offering resources for teachers to borrow. For a list, go to

Groundwork operates in some places, offering schools advice on local environmental improvement. Contact them at Groundwork, 85 Cornwall Street, Birmingham B3 3BY or phone 0121-236-8565.

New Internationalist - Nov 2000 Sustainability No 329. You can search the index for topics and download materials.

The Issues series of books have a good range of views represented in a set of short articles: available from CAT. The series includes, ‘A Consumer Society’ and ‘Poverty and Equality’.

The Little Earth Book
- £5.99 available from CAT - lots of interesting statistics about transport.

Teaching and Learning for a Sustainable Future’. A teacher training programme on sustainable development, available from the website or on CD rom. Contains information, graphics and ideas.

The World Guide’, available as a book or CD ROM. A 600 page reference book with up to date facts and information on 217 countries with related maps, diagrams and statistics. £29.95

Vital Signs’ is produced annually by the Worldwatch Institute. It provides comprehensive, user-friendly information on key trends & includes tables and graphs that help readers assess the developments that are changing their lives for better or for worse.

UK Environment’ is produced by The Stationery Office and provides recent information under 17 broad headings.

4 Action in school (& curriculum materials)

The Eco-schools programme is a European-wide initiative, designed to help schools involve pupils in action to make their schools more sustainable. It is a free award scheme. See

Safe Routes to Schools produces resources helping schools develop schemes to reduce car use.

Managing Energy’ is an invaluable resource full of material on measuring energy use within the school and reducing it. Part of the TEP Science with Technology series, available from CAT mail order.

How to make your school water efficient: a step-by-step guide’ - Environment Agency (free from EA on 0845 933 3111).

Guide to funding sources for renewable energy in schools and colleges’ - a useful DTI document, available on type in the title on their search engine to bring up a pdf version of the report. has useful information on energy education and energy saving. Wastewatch run Schools Waste Action Clubs (see the school section on their website). Their website also has a list of educational resources and information sheets on waste topics (both in the information section of their website).

5 Teaching resources

Teaching about Energy.’ Produced by CAT and Southgate publishers in Resources for Science and Technology teaching. It won the TES primary science book of the year award in 2000.

One Small Step’. An extremely useful and readable book about understanding and teaching clearly about environmental issues

Citizenship for the Future’ A wonderful, inspiring book based on many years experience of working with students and children'

CAT pupil and teacher guides
Pupils guide to wind power.’

Pupils guide to solar power.’

Pupils guide to waterpower.’

Teachers guide to solar heating projects.’

Teachers guide to solar electricity projects.’

Teachers guide to wind power projects.’

Teachers guide to water powers projects.’

Renewable Energy in the School Grounds.’ - an excellent series of short videos produced by C4 schools. Lively and very informative. They are usable with a range of ages. DFID - resources for teachers with reviews by teachers.

6 Other useful websites

World Resources Institute - particularly the Earth Trends section.

Friends of the Earth -

Food First has a lot of information about issues of food and hunger is a site with up to date information about news and issues. it is run by a network of 1250 organisations working for global social justice.

Global Express is a rapid response information series for schools on world events in the news.

Panos Institute:

ActionAid: materials for teachers and young people.

Christian Aid has resources for teachers and a site for young people

WWF runs on-line discussions for pupils. - lots of interesting statistics about transport. DFID - resources for teachers with reviews by teachers.

7 Other organisations

Council for Environmental Education
The CEE is an umbrella organisation which provides a national focus in England for those committed to education for sustainable development. It provides information on a very wide range of sustainable development resources through its website but also a range of newsletters and publications.

The Centre for Research, Education and Training in Energy . It co-ordinates the Energy Education Forum (EEF) which includes the major statutory and non-statutory organisations active in energy education. It also produces EnergyWatch, a free termly newsletter to let teachers know of recent developments in all branches of energy education and school energy management

The Eco-Schools scheme provides a framework for involving the school community in making the school a more sustainable place. The Award is made to any school that meets certain criteria. Supported by Going for Green in the UK, Eco-Schools is managed by ENCAMS (formerly the Tidy Britain Group). The areas of activity vary from those which reduce our CO2 production, like saving energy, to those which make the school a pleasanter place, like collecting litter.


Baldwin, J. (1996) Bucky Works: Buckminster Fuller's Ideas for Today, John Wiley & Sons Ltd

Burall, P. (1991) Green Design, Design Council, London

Charter, M and Tischner, U (2001) Sustainable solutions: developing products and services for the future, Greenleaf, Sheffield

Charter, M (1999) Greener marketing: a global perspective on greening marketing practice, Greenleaf, Sheffield

Datschefski, E (2001) The total beauty of sustainable products, Rotovision, Hove

Elkington, J. and Hailes, J. (1988) The Green Consumer Guide, Gollancz, London

Mackenzie, D. (1991) Green Design: Design for the Environment, Laurence King Ltd., London

Klostermann, J E M and Tukker, A (1998) Product innovation and eco-efficiency: twenty-three industry efforts to reach the Factor 4, Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht

Ottman, J. (1997) Green Marketing - Opportunity for Innovation, NTC Business Books, Illinois

Packard, V. (1963) The Waste Makers, Penguin, Middlesex

Papanek, V. (1985) Design for the Real World: Human Ecology and Social Change, Thames and Hudson, London

Papanek, V. (1995) The Green Imperative: Ecology and Ethics in Design and Architecture, Thames and Hudson, London

Papanek, V and Hennessey, J (1977) How things don't work, Pantheon Books, New York

RMIT. (1997) Introduction to EcoReDesign - Improving the environmental performance of manufactured products, RMIT, Melbourne, Victoria

Von Weizsacker, Lovins, E., Amory B. and Lovins L.H. (1998) Factor Four - Doubling Wealth, Halving Resource Use, Earthscan Publications Ltd., London

Whiteley, N. (1994) Design for Society, Reaktion Books, London

World Commission on Environment and Development. (1987) Our Common Future, Oxford University Press, New York

N B Charter and Tischner’s book published in 2001 (shown in bold) provides a sound, up-to-date starting point for accessing relevant literature. It also has a useful list of web addresses.

Manuals (can be photocopied)
The following manual is based on pioneering work done at Delft University in The Netherlands

Brezet H and van Hemel C (1997), Ecodesign: a promising approach to sustainable production and consumption, UNEP

See also manuals on Eco-redesign from The Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology.


The Journal of Sustainable Product Design is available via the Pilkington Library. It was an e-journal from 1997-1999 and (after a gap year) it has been relaunched in 2001 in hard copy. General information about the journal can be found at:

If you are accessing the e-journal then you will need the following information.
Username: user18
Password: ascotrace (use lower case)
The e-journal is in the form of pdf files.

Electronic Resources

Walker, S. (1999) The Attraction of Opposites: Reconciling Fashion with Sustainability. In: IDSA Design Education Conference Chicago, accessed 24th August 1999.

Web sites
There are two web sites that provide good resources and links to other web sites relevant to industrial design students. There are many good web sites in this area, and these two provide links to most of them.

The Industrial Designers Society of America maintains an Environmental Responsibility Section at:

A consortium of UK Universities has developed the demi Guide to Design for Sustainability

ITDG produces materials for secondary schools. A resources catalogue is available from the Education Unit (email [email protected] or phone 01926-634519) or through the website, Go to the Education link and then to Publications.

Three resources have been written specifically for Design and Technology, which students may find useful in developing design ideas for AS or A2.

Live Well, Live Wisely,’ concentrates on environmental aspects of sustainability and is priced £11.95.

Wall to Wall Design’ tackles the cultural and environmental issues involved in building new homes. £12.95.

Sustainable Lifestyles’ deals with social and economic issues. £16.50.

The resources complement the Education Unit’s second website,, which contains 35 case studies of sustainable technology in action around the world. It too, gives students possible starting points in thinking of design briefs.


Climate Change
The Footprint
Background Information...
Action In School
Teaching Resources
Electronic Resources