The overall aim of the assessment criteria is to enable
students to show an understanding that there are issues of sustainability
in all designing and making activities. They should show this throughout
the different elements of their design folder. Teachers
can use the criteria for continuous assessment of students’ work.
They also provide a checklist for students. However,
it must be remembered that sustainability issues are only ONE part
of exam board criteria and
that those criteria offer students far more opportunity
for scoring marks. In order to receive an SDA Part 1 the student must show evidence of
having met the compulsory criteria (in bold) as well as three of the
other criteria. N.B. The AS level criteria are intended to show a progression to A2,
where a broader and higher level of understanding of sustainability is
expected. The first box is intended for students to record where, in their folder,
they meet the criteria. The second is intended for teachers to verify
that the criterion has been met. FUNDAMENTAL ISSUES OF SUSTAINABILITY
F1. Has shown an understanding of the need to consider
whether the product needs to be made at all (e.g. has asked whether
we could do without the product, or asked why we are making it?). F2. When
a decision to make a product has been made, has shown an understanding
that sustainability issues should be considered in
the designing and making processes (e.g. indicates concern
about environmental, social and economic issues as well as fitness for
purpose, aesthetics etc.) INITIAL INVESTIGATION AND ANALYSIS A1. Includes at least one source of information about how environmental,
economic and social/cultural issues relate to the design context (e.g.
evidence of research into product/s that minimise environmental impact). A2. Presents an analysis of the information on at least one of the environmental,
economic or social/cultural issues (e.g. shows there are economic implications
in mass production manufacturing). A3. Investigates
the sustainability requirements of the client (e.g.
asks client
if they wish to use recycled materials where practicable). DEVELOPING A SPECIFICATION D1. Develops
a specification/brief that includes relevant criteria for the development
of a design solution that addresses at least one aspect
of sustainability (e.g. specifies that the product manufacture should
use renewable energy or material sources wherever possible). GENERATING IDEAS
G1. Considers at least two aspects of sustainability
in their design ideas (e.g.
shows evidence of having asked questions or completed
research about environmental, economic or social/cultural
issues). G2. Generates ideas that build towards
a proposal that meets the previously identified specification with
particular reference to sustainability (e.g. shows
how a proposed solution may have maintained a social/cultural
Experiments with different materials and considers
the potential for reducing,
re-using or recycling the materials or components chosen
in at least one stage of the product’s life cycle (e.g. tries to
ensure the least possible quantity of material is used
in packaging). C2. Provides evidence of objective
evaluation that the sustainability ideas generated , including the
requirements of the client, have been
incorporated into design proposals (i.e. show that ideas generated in
G2 are incorporated into proposals) C3. Shows an understanding that the skills and techniques needed in
product manufacture are appropriate to the context for which it is intended.
(e.g. gives evidence that local skills and equipment available have been
investigated to
ensure it can be made in the locality for which it
is intended). PLANNING MANUFACTURE P1. Shows an awareness of at least one sustainability issue in planning
manufacture at an appropriate scale of production (e.g.
ensures that product components can be easily disassembled at end of
life cycle or that materials chosen are non-toxic or renewable). P2. Demonstrates a willingness to modify the original design, where
to include methods that would improve an aspect of
the product’s sustainability
(e.g. includes a method of filtering and re-using water
in the manufacturing
how sustainability decisions made earlier have
been incorporated into the manufacture of the product (e.g.
shows that the amount of waste material has been reduced to a minimum). TESTING AND EVALUATING T1. Gains
objective evaluation of the finished product against the specification
(D1), including the client’s sustainability requirements
gives clear evidence of comparing the product against
the specification and of having sought feedback from the client or an SDA
partner, or others with sustainability expertise). T2. Shows
a willingness to modify the manufacturing process in the light of
feedback on ways of making it more sustainable. SUSTAINABLE
The overall aim of the assessment criteria is to enable students to
show an understanding that there are issues of sustainability in all
designing and making activities. They should show this throughout the
different elements of their design folder.
can use the criteria for continuous assessment of students’ work.
They also provide a checklist for students. However,
it must be remembered that sustainability issues are only ONE part
of exam board criteria and
that those criteria offer students far more opportunity
for scoring marks. In order to receive an SDA Part 2 the student must show evidence of
having met the compulsory criteria (in bold) as well as five of the other
criteria. N.B. The A2 level criteria are intended to show a progression from AS,
indicating a broader and higher level of understanding of sustainability. The first box is intended for students to record where, in their folder,
they meet the criteria. The second is intended for teachers to use to
verify that the criterion has been met. FUNDAMENTAL ISSUES OF SUSTAINABILITY F1. Has
shown an understanding of the need to consider whether the product
SHOULD be made at all (e.g. has asked whether we could do without the
product, or asked why we are making it?) F2. When
a decision to make a product has been made, has shown an understanding
that the three main dimensions of sustainability should
be considered in the designing and making processes (e.g. indicates concern about environmental,
social and economic issues as well as fitness for purpose, aesthetics
etc.) F3. Shows an understanding that all issues of sustainability are moral
issues. (e.g. shows that a designing and making decision such as whether
or not to use a renewable source of energy is a moral judgement as well
as an environmental one). INITIAL INVESTIGATION AND ANALYSIS A1. Includes a range of sources of information, including the work of
other designers, about how environmental, economic and social/cultural
issues relate to the design context (e.g. evidence of research into how
product/s may have short or long term repercussions for the environment,
for social/cultural life and for people’s lives in the UK and other
parts of the world). A2. Presents an analysis of the information showing opportunities and
constraints for addressing environmental, economic and social/cultural
issues within their designing (e.g. shows there are social/cultural implications
in mass production manufacturing, potential financial costs in sustainability
solutions). A3. Investigates the sustainability requirements
of the client, discussing the social, economic and environmental
impacts of their activities in
sourcing materials, use of the product and ultimate
disposal (e.g. asks
if they wish to use recycled materials where practicable). DEVELOPING A SPECIFICATION D1. Develops
a specification/brief that includes relevant criteria for the development
of a design solution that addresses all three aspects
of sustainability at all relevant stages of a product’s life cycle (e.g. specifies that the product manufacture should use renewable energy
or material sources wherever possible, considers the employment repercussions
of the manufacturing processes, understands that waste disposal has social
implications). D2. The specification shows an understanding
of the complexity and inter-relatedness of design decisions, especially
where sustainability is concerned. (e.g.
shows evidence of understanding that tackling a single sustainability
issue such as reducing the thickness of a material may have implications
for other environmental factors, e.g. the durability of the product or
for a social issue, e.g. may lose a cultural tradition, or have economic
results e.g. result in job losses). D3. Shows evidence of using sustainability design tools in evaluating
criteria for developing a design solution (e.g. uses
the Design Abacus, or the Eco-design Web or Eco-indicator). GENERATING IDEAS G1. Considers the three main dimensions of sustainability in their design
ideas (e.g.
shows evidence of having asked questions or completed
research about environmental, economic and social/cultural issues). G2. Generates
ideas that build towards a proposal which meets the previously identified
specification with particular reference to sustainability (e.g.
shows how a proposed solution may have maintained a social/cultural
tradition). G3. Seeks information using the expertise
of a client or SDA partner (e.g. considers ideas that involve genuine, real-life needs). G4. Researches products that use sustainable ideas in their design and
manufacture (e.g. shows evidence of research on website,
e.g., or from SDA references). DEVELOPS, COMMUNICATES AND EVALUATES DESIGN PROPOSALS C1. Experiments with different materials and considers the potential
for reducing,
reusing or recycling the materials or components chosen
at all stages of the product’s life cycle (e.g. tries to ensure
the least possible quantity of material
is used in packaging, ensures that component parts
can be disassembled and re-used where possible). C2. Provides
evidence of objective evaluation that the sustainability ideas generated,
including the requirements of the client, have been
incorporated into design proposals (i.e. show that ideas generated in
G2/3 are incorporated into proposals). C3. Shows an understanding that the materials, energy, equipment, skills
and techniques needed in product manufacture are appropriate to the context
for which it is intended (e.g. gives evidence that local skills and equipment
available have been investigated to ensure it can be made in the locality
for which it is intended). PLANNING MANUFACTURE P1. Shows
an awareness of the three main dimensions of sustainability in planning
manufacture at an appropriate scale of production (e.g. ensures
that product components can be easily disassembled at end of life, ensures
traditional skills are not lost, ensures production methods are safe
and appropriate). P2. Demonstrates a willingness to modify the original design, where
to include methods that would improve an aspect of
the product’s sustainability or its appropriateness for the context
(e.g. includes a method of filtering and re-using water in the manufacturing
process, takes account of the lack of electrical power in the area of
M1. Shows how sustainability decisions made earlier have been
incorporated into the manufacture of the product (e.g. shows that
the amount of waste material has been reduced to a minimum). TESTING AND EVALUATING T1. Gains
a thorough objective evaluation of the finished product against
specification (D1), including the client’s sustainability requirements
gives clear evidence of comparing the product against
the specification and
of having sought feedback from the client or an SDA
partner, or others with sustainability expertise). T2. Shows
a willingness to modify the manufacturing process
in the light of feedback on how it can be made more sustainable.